How is rosé made?
Have you ever found yourself at the local bottle-o staring at rows and rows of grape juice unable to make a simple choice? Red or white?
What if we told you there’s no need to compromise.
Rosé is the summer drink of choice, from pastel pink to a deep blush, this wine goes down a treat on a hot summer’s day.
Don’t be confused by the name, there’s actually no roses involved in the making of this wine.
So what makes a white wine blush?
Showing it some skin – more specifically – grape skins.
Omrah Wines winemaker Chris Murtha says rosé is made by taking red wine grapes and making them in a white wine style.
“In every other sense the wine is made like a white. It adds that often red berry characteristics, those strawberry and confected notes,” he says.
For those unfamiliar with the technical side of wine-making, basically, red grape skins are left to soak in white wine juice.
The longer the grape skins soak, the deeper the colour. This is also an indicator of how sweet the wine will be.

While there may be fifty shades of rosé, if you like your wines a little more dry, go for a rosé that’s a lighter colour.
“The process might be a few hours; some winemakers might even wait 24 hours and that will determine whether you’ve got that really pale pink,” Chris says.
Next time you find yourself vexed by vino – remember: yes way, rosé.
Head to our online store to try the latest addition to the Omrah Crossing family, our new Rosé (2019).